You win the Best Smile in our family cuz

Created by Ruth 3 years ago

Writing words over and over, reminising on our precious childhood times we would all spend together.
The excitement of travelling from Sheffield to London forming our family tree, is such a distant memory.

Whilst two our mothers would sit chatting most of the nights, reminising on their childhood back home telling us how they would pick their Ackee. I always remember Uncle would sneaking off to bed.

At times we would all be laughing in your bedroom together and before you knew it our Sonia or Derek would be breaking up you and my brothers scuffle. Although you both shared the same birthday. Two Scopio’s in one room was always destin for a bite.  

looking back I now can laugh ehen i think of the precious times we had.

It hurts to say i wish we could again relive those special days.

You would often sneaked in the cupboard to give me a biscuit checking no one had seen it. 

I’m so proud of everything you have achieved, leaving to live your dreams. Your beautiful family we shall meet, listening to the legacy you did leave. 
Big Cuz Im so glad we had all those wonderful times together, and always made us laugh no matter the weather.
You will always be in our hearts forever and one sweet day, we will all be back together. 
Fly high Maurice God Bless you cuz.


Ruth, Michael, Lyndon and Robert (Cousins)