Brother From My Other Mother

Created by Marcia Mush 3 years ago

Mo, you were never my brother-in-law, you have always been my brother from my other Mother!
Hearing of your passing was such a deep and painful jolt to my soul and especially after losing our brother Patrick just three weeks before.  I still can’t believe that I have just lost two brothers at more or less the same time!
But I am giving thanks for all the precious memories that I have of you both, no passing of time can take them away.

I’m going to miss the annoying way you always managed to turn up just when I’ve cooked dinner or about to make patties; then you’d do your weird little dance and say “Me come good time”!
I’m already missing your infectious laugh, your loud mouth, your cool persona, your generosity, the way you make any room light up and come alive. I’m going to miss you nudging me - and the two of us rolling our eyes and quietly laughing when your brother goes into one!

Most people know of your love for prosecco, but between us, it was the love of gin.  My glass of gin will never be the same again, but it will always be raised in honor of you.

You were also a faithful friend, someone to chat to about anything and nothing – you would always find the joke in everything! I keep expecting you to turn up at our house randomly as you often did, but I do know you will always be here in spirit.

Mo, you were a true family man, whose priority was always family first; especially when it came to your children.  May God continue to bless and keep them safe and well; and don’t worry, D and I will be here looking out for them too. You also, always looked out for your nieces and nephews as if they were your own children too and for this, I know they are grateful.

Rest in heavenly peace my brother, you will forever be in my heart and never forgotten.

Love Mush


